April 21, 2024
Tan Tock Seng Institute of Genetics
3:39 pm
The TV in the meeting room blares to life. A pretty Chinese woman appears. Her lips more in asynchrony to the words that are heard. Google instant-translate. You are one of a hundred scientists at the TTSIG, staring at the screen.
'Beijing has successfully used CRISPR-cas3 to manipulate the Timebomb pieces from Agent X. Unlike the West, who had been working on cas9 and given up on working with cas3, China has proceeded into the future, Under President Xi's guidance, scientists aroun the clock have been working for 5 years to discover how to unlock the code to the world destroying danger of Agent X. Our scientists have finally figured out how to prevent the timebomb portion of Agent X from running down. Effectively stopping it from detonating as expected on September 11, 2024. We are now working to provide'
So it was true. The chinese were first. They had figured it out. You can feel the fear in the room.
You can't stop your mind going back to that fateful day in your life, back in the summer of 2019, when...
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September 12, 2019
Your 6 year old self stands in Tianmen Square. The crowd jostles each other, to turn to the big screens on the skyscrapers. You lick your ice cream and follow the direction of their eyes. The huge screens all flicker to life together.
'Hello, I am Rachel Handler' says a redhead lady.
'And I'm Bryan Winds' says a chisel jawed blond man.
'and this is ANN', they declare together.
Rachel continues: 'World organisations have unanimously released a verdict. For weeks, rumors of a new killer Virus have been circulating. Today, just moments ago, scientists have confirmed the presence of a new entity in the atmosphere all around Earth.'
You hears the gasps and shrieks. A hundred thousand people are present, watching the big monitors. You can't understand what's happening, but you feel the tension in the audience. Your younger sister begins to cry.
Brian continues.
'They have found it's a proto-biome and confirmed this is not a natural bacterium, or anything evolved on Earth. It has been created artificially, in a lab by an angry doctor. Interpol has identified him as Adam Conlan. Dr. Conlan was one of the celebrated astronauts on the Apollo-22 mission, sent in orbit around space to prepare for the 2024 mission to mars. In his suicide note, he left a message explaining his motivations.'
A man's face jumps onto the screen. He is floating in the air. It's the space station Astrodock-14, part of the Mars Mission Planning.
He is handsome and his eyes sparkle green. The subtitle says 'Dr. Adam Conlan'
"You fools.. You fight over petty imaginary lines in the sand and who's better than whom, and whose imaginary sky man is better? I've spent enough time with you. I've spent enough of my days being judged and considered the odd one out. And now, now at the cusp of doing something great, you..'
His face comes right up against the camera:
'YOU! Stupid humans! Destroy my dreams again.'
He shrinks back, and his face crunches up into a cry. 'We going to MARS! Mars... It would have been a dream. It would have been a milestone..'
His face clouds with anger and he shouts again:
'For HUMANITY! But no. No, you can't do anything that rational, no, no no. You had to squabble and fight and go off in your own ways. Fine. You think you're better off alone, huh? Russia and China and the USA? You think you can live on your own, do better competing? Survival of the fittest? Ok. We'll test that hypothesis..'
He hisses out the last word and holds a little vial up from his pocket.
'This little vial contains one of two proteins that have never before existed. Built by us. Humans. Mother nature has no hand in this. It's one half of a synthetic organism, built to live and multiple on Mars. It was meant to create oxygen, a human atmosphere on the barren surface on Mars. Cultivated to take whatever chemistry we found there and turn it to our advantage. But now, I'm going to put this little piece to a different test.'
He smiles menacingly and steps closer. His face loses all expression.
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</script>Your mind floats back into Conference Room. Hushed voices and urgent, barks of the angry department heads are spread around it.
'The Chinese are first.. this means they'll be able to defuse it. They might even turn it onto us'
'It might just be a hoax, to get all of us to turn in our work. Director, we shouldn't fall for this..'
'I told you they were close, Abdullah, didn't I tell you? Now, if we just bring back my cas3 work and try one more time. I know i can get the mortality rates down...'
You feel a zing in your pocket. It's your phone. You pick it out, almost zombie-like. A message. You finger it half heartedly.
'I have the cas3 code. I can instruct you on duplicating it. Don't tell your boss'
The words stare at you...
Your superviser shouts, 'Noha, what are you doing with ur phone, dammit? Get to the Dept room, we have work to do! This isn't time to chat with ur sorority sisters..'
You look from his face to you phone again. The screen dims to black
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var done = false;
(set: $has_scissors to false)
(set: $scissors_out to false)
(set: $has_sec_form to false)
(set: $Leena_sec_form to false)
(set: $has_Req to false)
(set: $DebbieCatsInsecure to false)
(set: $has_sec_card to false)
(set: $has_battery to false)
(set: $turned_PA_on to false)
(set: $janitor_fall to false)
(set: $janitor_proud to false)
(set: $has_box to false)
(set: $has_soap to false)
(set: $has_motor to false)
(set: $has_sandwich to false)
(set: $has_Arjun_car_photo to false)
(set: $has_magazine to false)
(set: $gum_car to false)
(set: $has_gum to false)
(set: $car_bomb to false)
(set: $arjun_out_of_office to false)
(set: $has_code to false)
(set: $has_NODARIS to false)
(set: $ed_car_toss to false)
(set: $test_done to false)
(set: $seen_console to false)
(set: $gifter_nervous to false)
(set: $has_CD to false)
(set: $part1 to true)
(set: $part2 to false)
(set: $part3 to false)
(set: $part4 to false)You in the Lobby of TTSIG, but it says 'Utah Private Bank'. It looks like a typical financial institution, complete with snotty guard and lots of worthless brochures no one reads.
A ticket provider sits by itself near the door.
(link: 'Lift')[
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done = true;
(goto: 'Lift')]
(goto: 'Lift')]
[[Mechanic's Office]]
[[Janitor's Storage]]
[[Haunted Place No One's Stepped Into]]
[[Gift Shop]](if: $has5Access is true)[
(if: $has5Access is true)[
[[Floor 5]]]
(else:)[Floor 5]
(if: $has4Access is true)[
[[Floor 4]]]
(else:)[Floor 4]
[[Floor 3]]
[[Floor 2]]
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You can't go there, you're TTSIG!
Back in your cage and save the world!
You see the mechanic lounging
(if: $has_car is true)[
[Can you remove the motor for me?]<rem_motor|
(click: ?rem_motor)[
(append: ?rem_motor)[
What do you have to trade? he asks
(if: $has_sandwich)[
(append: ?motor_sand)[
This sandwich, you say. He nods approval and takes the motor out.
You have a motor for the centrifuge!
(set: $has_motor to true)
(if: $has_box is false)[
(append: ?start) [
You see a box]
(if: $janitor_fall is false)[
(append: ?start) [
You see the janitor. Polishing his expensive broom
[Talk to the janitor]<talk_jan| <br>
(if: $janitor_fall is true)[
(append: ?start) [
There's no one here
(click: ?talk_jan)[
(append: ?talk_jan)[
(if: $has_box is false)[
[Can I have that box]<ask_box| <br>
[Do you know the gift shop lady's in love with you]<love_gift| <br>
(click: ?ask_box)[
(if: $janitor_proud is true)[
(append: ?ask_box)[
<br> Sure, what do i need with a box? he says] <br>
(set: $has_box to true)
(append: ?ask_box)[
<br> No, I love this box. I'd never give it up.] <br>
(click: ?love_gift)[
(append: ?love_gift)[
<br> The janitor smirks. they all do, he says] <br>
(set: $janitor_proud to true)
What about 'Haunted Place No One's Stepped Into' don't you understand?
It's off limits[[Lobby]]
The gift shop displays a bunch of stuff along with a plump, oversexed woman with too much night cream on. She's famously OCD.
(if: $has_battery is false)[
There is a battery on the wall]
(if: $has_gift_card is false)[
There is a Get Well Soon gift card on the wall]
(if: $has_battery is false)[
[I want that battery]<want_battery|]
[Hey did you hear abt that strain of germs?]<strain_germs|
(click: ?strain_germs)[
(append: ?strain_germs)[
She squeals: 'Where? When? Ohhh, this world is finished! I just wished I had something to sanitize myself with. I *knew* I shouldnt have taken this job!
(set: $gifter_nervous to true)]
(click: ?want_battery)[
(append: ?want_battery)[
'You're a broke intern. What are you giving me for this battery, dearie? I'm not one of your boys that you can take for a tryst in the break room' she winks.
(if: $has_soap is true)[
(append: ?want_battery)[I'll trade you for this soap, you say..
Her eyes light up. 'Oh yes, gimme, gimmie before i die!']
(set: $has_battery to true)
[[Arjun's Office]]
[[Ed's Office]]
[[Conference Room]]
[[Debbie's Office]]
(set: $part2 to true)
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</script>(link: 'Lift')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Lift')
(link: 'Mouse Lab')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Mouse Lab')
(link: 'Your Office')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Your Office')
(link: 'Monkey Lab')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Monkey Lab')
(link: 'Break Room')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Break Room')
(link: 'Toilet')[
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
done = true;
(goto: 'Toilet')
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[[Lift]][[Car Park]]
[[Security Room]]
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</script>[[Floor 2]]
(if: $test_done is false)[
You see the lab guy sitting there on his butt.
[Hey, boss wants me to run some tests. Can we get started?]<lets_test|
(else:) [
The Lab is messed up from the craziness
(if: $has_sandwich is false)[
(append: ?start_lab) [
You see a sandwich sitting on the counter.
[Can I get that sandwich?]<ask_sandwich|
(if: $has_soap is false)[
(append: ?start_lab) [
You see a bottle of liquid soap sitting on the counter.
[Can I get that soap?]<ask_soap|
(click: ?lets_test) [
(if: $has_Req is true and $has_motor is true) [
(append: ?lets_test) [<br>
Let's get to it!
You do the test. it's a huge failure. The mouse glows green]
(set: $test_done to true)
(else-if: $has_Req is false)[
(append: ?lets_test) [<br>
'You need a Requisition form, bubby.' He goes on playing on his old gameboy]
(else-if: $has_motor is false)[
(append: ?lets_test) [<br>
The lab tech looks at you sadly. "Sorry, the centrifuge is broken. We'll need a new motor from somewhere.
(click: ?ask_sandwich)[
(append: ?ask_sandwich)[
Sure, here.
You have a sammidge]
(set: $has_sandwich to true)
(click: ?ask_soap)[
(append: ?ask_soap)[
Sure, here.
You have some soap]
(set: $has_soap to true)
liquid soap
lab guy
mouse 1 (char)
mouse 2 (char)[[Floor 2]]
You see Leena sitting there
[Say hello to Leena]<leena_hi|
[Talk to leena about her weight]<leena_weight|
[Talk to leena about the report Arjun wants]<leena_rept|
[Hey, can you stop doing that? It's distracting me]<Leena_sciss|
(if: $has_sec_form is false)
[A part time security form sits on her table]<take_sec_form|
(if: $has_scissors is true)[
(append: ?serr_edge)[
The wall now harbords a paper murdering serrated edge. All we need is a rock]
(append: ?serr_edge)[
The wall shows a bit of a serrated edge. Leena is clawing it]
(click: ?leena_rept)[
(append: ?leena_rept) ["Oh yeah! I know, right? It's gonna be tough. Here's the Requisition."
Leena hands you a Req Form on which to put the info]
(set: $has_Req to true)
(click: ?leena_weight)[
(append: ?leena_weight)[
"Did you lose some weight, Leena?"
"Oh I wish.." she moans. "I could go to gym and try to tempt that handsome instructor, but what chance do I have?"
"You could, if you get there every night. Spend some time showing him the goodies"
Leena thinks. "Hmmmm. I suppose. I'll do it! Sorry, part-time job, love first!"
She pushes the Part-time Security Form away from her]
(set: $Leena_sec_form to true)]
(click: ?take_sec_form)[
(if: $Leena_sec_form is true)[
(append: ?take_sec_form) [<br> You take the Part-time Security Form]
(set: $has_sec_form to true)
(append: ?take_sec_form)[
I think Leena's attached to that right now
[A part time security form sits on her table]<take_sec_form2|]
(click: ?take_sec_form2)[
(if: $Leena_sec_form is true)[
(append: ?take_sec_form2) [<br> You take the Part-time Security Form]
(set: $has_sec_form to true)
(append: ?take_sec_form2)[
I think Leena's attached to that right now
[A part time security form sits on her table]<take_sec_form|]
(click: ?Leena_sciss)[
(append: ?Leena_sciss)[
Leena blushes. "Sorry, can't stop myself. I'll have to take it out."
She rips it out with her fingertips.
(set: $scissors_out to true)
(append: ?Leena_sciss)[ <br>
[Turn into scissors]<take_scissors|
(click: ?take_scissors)[
(append: ?take_scissors)[
<br> You turn the edge into paper cutting scissors]
(set: $has_scissors to true)
(click: ?leena_warn)[
(append: ?leena_warn)[Leena reads the pamphlet half heartedly, then shrieks: 'What? It's a death trap! No, Ed can't give this to the kid, no no no!'
She rushes out. You hear sounds of struggle and her piercing wails from a floor above. She returns and tosses something at you, then sits spinning in her chair..
What happened, you ask?
'He got angry at me and threw this stupid car at me! I think he might think i'm too nosy. Am i too nosy?'
Of course not, you say mechanically.
You now have a car.
(set: $has_car to true)
(set: $ed_car_toss to true)
(click: ?leena_hi) [
(append:?leena_hi) [
Hi! How are you?]
(click: ?chop_mag)[
(append: ?chop_mag)[
You cut the magazine on thee edge so the warning about the toy not being safe for children is separate, you sneaky devil
(set: $has_warning to true)
(if: $has_magazine is true)[
(if: $has_scissors is true)[
(append: ?leena_text_space)[
[Chop up magazine]<chop_mag|]
(if: $has_warning is true)[
(if: $bought_car is true)[
(append: ?leena_text_space)[
[Hey Leena, did you hear Ed's getting this for the kid?]<leena_warn|]
][[Floor 2]]
(if: $test_done is true and $seen_console is true)[
The door is unlocked.
Congrats on making it this far!
Now give me money so i can write the rest ; )
The doesn't open, and you haven't finished the game yet.
Get the mouse experiment done.
And read what's on Arjun's console.
Move it, ya lazy bum!
[[Floor 3]]
(if: $part1 is true)[
(if: $seen_console is true)[
You see Arjun. He's back. He's pissed. You don't go in there again
(else:) [
(if: $arjun_out_of_office is true)[
(append: ?start_Arj)[
Arjun is out. You've never seen this place quiet before
[Get on Arjun's console]<arj_console_real|
(append: ?start_Arj)[
Arjun is at his office. He's busy working. As always.
[Get on Arjun's console]<arj_console_fake|
[Talk to Arjun]<talk_arj|
(if: $has_code is false)[
(append: ?mid_Arj)[
There's a master code to the mythical lobby ticket counter
[Take master code]<take_code|
(else-if: $has_code is true) [
(append: ?mid_Arj)[
The place where the code stood is now lonely]
(click: ?arj_console_real)[
(append: ?mid_Arj)[<br>
You sit at the computer. You see the screen blink on. You blink and click 'Enter'. It asks for the NODARIS hash
(if: $has_NODARIS is true)[
(append: ?mid_Arj)[<br>
[Enter hash]<enter_hash| <br>
(append: ?mid_Arj)[
You got nothing to put in. The console blinks away..]
(click: ?take_code)[
(append: ?mid_Arj)[
You say, Hey, I think I can fix the lobby ticket counter
Arjun looks up for a moment 'You can?'
You look sheepishly. 'I can try'
He looks down at his keyboard again. Great', take the master code from my wall.'
You take the code handle]
(set: $has_code to true)
(click: ?enter_hash)[
The screen flickers again.
A single record pops up.
Is this how it feels when one's life changes forever?
Your hand shakes by itself. You grab it with the other to stop it.
You see [Next]<Next| on the screen. It's waiting for you to click
(set: $seen_console to true)
(click: ?Next)[
[[Console Secrets]]
(click: ?talk_arj)[
(append: ?talk_arj) [
'Excuse me, Dr Arjun' you say.
He looks up. 'Yes?'
[The weather's great, huh]<def_arj|
[I had some nice fajita's last night]<def_arj2|
[This Agent X thing is a bummer innit]<def_arj3|
[So where you vacationing this year?]<def_arj4|
(click: ?def_arj)[
(append: ?def_arj)[
'I don't have time for prattle, Noha. Unless you know how to improve resale price on a 67 imapala, contact me when the requisition is completed.'
[But I do know how to fix the resale price on a 67 Impala]<impala_arj|
(click: ?def_arj2)[
(append: ?def_arj2)[
'I don't have time for prattle, Noha. Unless you know how to improve resale price on a 67 imapala, contact me when the requisition is completed.'
[But I do know how to fix the resale price on a 67 Impala]<impala_arj|
(click: ?def_arj3)[
(append: ?def_arj3)[
'I don't have time for prattle, Noha. Unless you know how to improve resale price on a 67 imapala, contact me when the requisition is completed.'
[But I do know how to fix the resale price on a 67 Impala]<impala_arj|
(click: ?def_arj4)[
(append: ?def_arj4)[
'I don't have time for prattle, Noha. Unless you know how to improve resale price on a 67 imapala, contact me when the requisition is completed.'
[But I do know how to fix the resale price on a 67 Impala]<impala_arj|
(click: ?impala_arj)[
(append: ?impala_arj)[
He looks up from his keyboard. 'YOU DO!?!? Well, then Noha, sit down, sit down!'
He rushes from his seat and brings out a copy of his ad. It says 'Take this copy, Noha. Write me an ad. I can't write for beans. I even failed my English Composition test in 2nd grade on the topic 'Anything whatsoever!'
You look at him quizically. His purses his lips apologetically.
'I was really that bad. Help me out, Noha. I could use all the suggestions I can. Get it back to me whenever.'
You now have a photo of Arjun's car
(set: $has_Arjun_car_photo to true)
(click: ?arj_console_fake)[
(append: ?mid_Arj)[
Are you nuts? Are you INSANE? He'd kill you. He'd chop you to pieces. He'd kill you, then chop you to pieces.
Only way Arjun leaves his console is if there's a tsunami. Or a bomb under his car]
(if: $part2 is true)[
this is 2
][[Floor 3]]
(if: $part1 is true)[
(if: $has_car is true)[
(append: ?start_ed)[
Ed looks pissed.
(append: ?start_ed)[
[Ed is sitting in his seat. He's happily working away and chomping on Pringles
[Talk to Ed]<talk_ed|
(if: $talk_ed_need is true)[
(append: ?midlow_ed)[
[Suggest a gift for the kid]<suggest_kid|]
(click: ?suggest_kid)[
(if: $has_magazine is true)[
(if: $has_warning is true)[
(append: ?suggest_kid)[
You give Ed the top half of the mag. He lights up.
'Hey, that works! I'll order it right now!'
He buys it on the internet, and it gets delivered to his office in minutes by teleport]
(set: $bought_car to true)
(append: ?suggest_kid)[
You give Ed the mag. He says, 'Nah, not for little kids']
(else:) [
(append: ?suggest_kid)[
You have nothing to suggest]
(click: ?talk_ed)[
(append: ?mid_ed)[
What's on your mind, Ed? you say.
Oh, wondering about what to get my kid for a gift, Ed replies.
Orly... you say.
(set: $talk_ed_need to true)
(if: $part2 is true)[
This is part 2]
[[Floor 3]]
(if: $car_bomb is true)[
The whole place is cordoned off. Not much opportunity to move around undetected now. Arjun's not here, thank Deities.]
(if: $has_Arjun_car_photo is true)[
(append: ?start_CarPark) [
Lots of cars. You can spot Arjun's in the lot.
(if: $has_gum is true)[
(append: ?start_CarPark) [<br>
[Plant gum on car]<plant_gum|<br>
(else-if: $has_Arjun_car_photo is false)[
(append: ?start_CarPark) [
Lots of cars. You see signs of squatters.
(click: ?plant_gum)[
(append: ?plant_gum)[<br> You put the gum on the underside of Arjun's car <br>]
(set: $gum_car to true)
(if: $gum_car is true and $has_box is true)
(append: ?start_CarPark)[<br>[Stick empty box to gum under car]<box_to_gum|<br>]
(click: ?box_to_gum)[
(if: $turned_PA_on is true)[
(append: ?box_to_gum)[
<br> You stick the box to the underside of the car. It sure looks like something sinister. Within moments the camera AI starts to whirr.
Alert! Alert!<br>]
(set: $car_bomb to true)
(set: $arjun_out_of_office to true)
You get a text message:
[[The message in the lot]]
(else-if: $turned_PA_on is false)[
(append: ?box_to_gum)[
<br> You stick the box to the underside of the car. It sure looks like something sinister. Within moments the camera AI starts to whirr.
The soft sounds don't penetrate the building <br>]
(set: $car_bomb to true)
(if: $has_sec_card is false)[
The door is locked
(else-if: $has_sec_card is true and $has_battery is false and $turned_PA_on is false)[
The door opens to your security key card
You see the PA system. It's turned off.
There's a bottle of Red ink
[Turn PA system on]<Turn_PA_on_no_battery|
(else-if: $has_sec_card is true and $has_battery is true and $turned_PA_on is false)[
The door opens to your security key card
You see the PA system. It's turned off.
[Turn PA system on with battery]<Turn_PA_on|
(else-if: $has_sec_card is true and $has_battery is true and $turned_PA_on is true)[
The door opens to your security key card
You see the PA system. It's turned on.
[Turn PA system on with battery]<Turn_PA_off|
(click: ?Turn_PA_on)[
The PA has been turned on
(set: $turned_PA_on to true)
[Turn PA system off and disengage]<Turn_PA_off|
(if: $car_bomb is true)[
A message blares through the institute.
(set: $arjun_out_of_office to true)
(click: ?Turn_PA_off)[
The PA has been turned off
(set: $turned_PA_on to false)
(click: ?Turn_PA_on_no_battery)[
(append: ?Turn_PA_on_no_battery)[
There is no power source for the PA system]
][[Floor 2]]
You see your colleague sitting there. He's an annoying perv.
There is an old adventure game in the corner.
[Play adventure game]<play_game|
'Hey toots' he calls.
(if: $has_magazine is false)[<br>
He has a magazine about toys for kids and video games in his hand. What a nerd
[Take magazine]<take_mag|
(click: ?play_game)[
(append: ?play_game) [
You walk up to the old game and dust it off. It shines to life
[[Al Studios Presents]]
(click: ?take_mag)[
(if: $has_CD is true)[
(append: ?take_mag)[ <br>
'You beat the game' he says solemnly. 'You aree now worthy'
He gives you the magazine.]
(set: $has_magazine to true)
(append: ?take_mag)[ <br>
He pulls it away: 'No, to get this magazine, you must show me the way of the nerd. Win that game,' he point to the adventure game in the corner, and 'get me the golden coupon' You pout.]
[[Floor 2]]
(if: $car_bomb is true)[
(if: $has_NODARIS is false)[
You get to the toile and lock yourself in a booth
The NODARIS message shows up. It says:
(set: $has_NODARIS to true)
It's a normal bathroom]
(if: $has_gum is false)[
You see gum underneath the sink.
[Take gum]<take_gum|]
(click: ?take_gum)[
You have gum
(set: $has_gum to true)
[[Floor 3]]
You see Debbie in her office.
(if: $has_sec_form is true and $DebbieCatsInsecure is true)[
[Give Security Job Form To Debbie]<give_sec_form|]
[About Debbie]<abt_debbie|
[Look at Debbie]<look_debbie|
[Talk to Debbie]<talk_debbie|
(click: ?abt_debbie)[
(append: ?abt_debbie)[ <br> "She is an annoying kiss arse who gets to hang with Dr. Arjun and Prof. Hamed. Completely useless and does nothing. Boy, I wish had her job.
Debbie looks up at you from her papers. "Did you say something?"
You stare away quickly, wondering if she's telepathic. Nope, nope." <br>]
(click: ?give_sec_form)[
(append: ?give_sec_form)[
"Um, Debbie"
"I'd like to be part time security."
Debbie looks at you. "Oh really? You? Miss Moneybags?"
You cough nervously. "Can't ever have enough, you know?"
Debbie scoffs and takes the form from you. She tosses you a keycard. "Sure thing, Princess."
She is so annoying. If only a tractor ran over her.
You now have the Security Keycard]
(set: $has_sec_card to true)]
She's wearing a pink pantsuit with a weird hem. Probably a Hillary Clinton fan. What does Arjun see in her?
(append: ?talk_debbie)[
<br> "Hey Debbie"
She looks up at you. "Yes?"
[Nice pantsuit]<nice_pantsuit|
[How'd you get this job?]<this_job|
[You're just a know-nothing kiss ass, you know that?]<kiss_ass|
[Can we be friends?]<be_friends|]
(append: ?nice_pantsuit)[ <br>
Debbie: "Thanks. Nice whore outfit. Very fitting for a scientist."
[Oh yeah? Well you're mean!]<you_mean|
[How many cats you upto now?]<many_cats|
(append: ?you_mean)[ <br>
Debbie: "I didn't get here by being nice, cupcake. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work."
(append: ?many_cats)[ <br>
She looks flustered for the first time.
Debbie: "Don't be rude. Cats are great pets. Not like you'd know"
(set: $DebbieCatsInsecure to true)
(append: ?this_job)[ <br>
Debbie: "Well, I didn't sleep my way to the top. Unlike some people."
(append: ?be_friends)[ <br>
Debbie: "Sure? Do you have a Nobel Prize in your future, or a hospital wing in your family's last name?"
(append: ?kiss_ass)[
Debbie: "At least I kiss talented asses. Unlike whatever hairy baboons you probably go out with."
She adjusts her glasses and laughs only at the corners of her mouth. Her Oh-so-punchable mouth
][[You click next]]
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(set: $has_scissors to false)
(set: $scissors_out to false)
(set: $has_sec_form to false)
(set: $Leena_sec_form to false)
(set: $has_Req to false)
(set: $DebbieCatsInsecure to false)
(set: $has_sec_card to false)
(set: $has_battery to false)
(set: $turned_PA_on to false)
(set: $janitor_fall to false)
(set: $janitor_proud to false)
(set: $has_box to false)
(set: $has_soap to false)
(set: $has_motor to false)
(set: $has_sandwich to false)
(set: $has_Arjun_car_photo to false)
(set: $arjun_out_of_office to false)
(set: $gum_car to false)
(set: $has_gum to false)
(set: $car_bomb to false)
(set: $has_code to false)
(set: $has_NODARIS to false)
(set: $ed_car_toss to false)
(set: $test_done to false)
(set: $seen_console to false)
(set: $gifter_nervous to false)
(set: $has_magazine to false)
(set: $has_warning to false)
[[Lobby]]'So, you're willing to do what it takes. You might just be the savior of us all.
Like every TTSIG employee, your boss has no direct access to the codes needed. Luckily, I have a few to spare.
Head to the Toilet on the first floor. A surprise waits for you there'
It blinks off
[[Car Park]]
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</script>(set: $has_magazine to true)
(set: $has_scissors to true)
(if: $has_magazine is true)[
(if: $has_scissors is true)[
(append: ?leena_text_space)[
[Chop up magazine]<chop_mag|]
(else:)[][[Secret storage]]
[[Escape Pod]][[Major's Office]]
[[Locked Room]]
[[Secret Room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(align: "==><==")[(set: $s to (text-style: "blink")) $s[ (color: "#990000")[==>*CRISPR* **cas 3**<=] ]]
(align: "==><==")[(set: $r to (text-style: "outline")) $r[ =>An interactive novel<= ]]
(align: "==><==")[(set: $t to (text-style: "upside-down")) $t[ =>Not a single right reserved (c)<=]]
(align: "===><==")[(set: $g to (text-style: "shudder")) $g[ (link-goto: "Enter", "The Beginning") ]]
(if: $a is true)[
[[The Beginning]]
]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.'The human body is a bag of chemicals working under very specific regulations. A little bit off one way or another, and pop! goes the weasel. I've hand crafted this proto-bacterium to slowly evolve, in the atmosphere, for 5 years. 1830 days.. It will study Earth, and its inhabitants. It will live inside your every breath. It will research your very chemical bonds.
'For 5 years, the genie will be in the bottle. Like a quiet little ghost, not disturbing, and yet ever present, it will study every chemical structure and formula you can throw at it, and immunize itself against you. For 5 years, it will be dormant. You can't kill it. You can't exterminate it.'
He raises his head, folds both arms behind it and, as if reclining on a lounge chair, hops into the air. He's slowly floating around in zero-gravity. His eyes are closed.
'And then, it'll activate. It will consume every single creature on Earth. All of life, on this planet you love so darn much? Eliminated. Gone. Unless, of course..'
His eyes open
'You go to Mars, and find its brother. The piece we left on the surface, waiting to be triggered. Mutated by the specific Martian conditions, it alone will contain its friend. And they will wrap themselves in a warm embrace. A human solution to a human problem.'
The man propels himself with his hands, pushing in the air, towards the camera. 'It's simple, people of Earth. You created this. You put dreams in the mind of a little boy, struggling to fit in. You gave him hopes and put him through tests. You told him he would be Adam in a new Eden, on a red planet. You told him his town might reject him for his lack of sameness, but the world would rejoice over his diferentness. And then you told him.. you told him you had cancelled your plans. Because..'
His eyes filled the TV. You have seen that look before. It's the look your puppy gave you when you promised a treat and then naughtily dangled it out of reach of the little creature's jaws.
'Because you couldn't manage to get along.'
The screen suddenly wobbled as if he'd grabbed the camera. 'Well, you will learn to get along. In 5 years, you humans will be on Mars. Or you humans you will be dead' - he smiled. It was mirthless.
'A big task. Everyone will need to come together and help. Let me start you off-'
And then he shot himself. The screen was quickly blurred, and the news talking heads came back.
The screams around you raise in pitch and volume. Your eyes swims at the sight of blood
[[intro4<-Next]]The Secret Of Putting Out Fires..
Copyright Al, King of Procrastinators 2019 (c)
Shall we play? Click to go to the
[[Living Room]]
(set: $has_axe to false)
(set: $has_extinguisher to false)
(set: $has_apple to false)
(set: $is_burning to true)You're in the living room. A door leads outside.
(if: $is_burning is true)
[A fire is burning in the middle of your room]
[Isn't the lack of a fire so peaceful?]
(if: $has_extinguisher is false)[
A doctor is screaming at you in your bedroom]
(if: $has_axe is false)
There is an axe on the wall
[Take axe]<take_axe|]
[There is an empty axe holder]
(if: $is_burning is true and $has_extinguisher is true)[
[Put out fire]<put_out|]
(click: ?take_axe)[
You have an axe!
(set: $has_axe to true)
(click: ?put_out)[
The fire is out! You win!
(set: $is_burning to false)
(set: $has_CD to true)
(link: 'Exit Game')[[[Break Room]])]
(if: $has_CD is true)[
(link: 'Exit Game')[[[Break Room]])]
[[Go outside]]
[[Go into the bedroom]]You're outside. The sun is shining, weather is sweet..
(if: $has_apple is false)
[There's a tree with an apple on it]
[There's an angry tree minus an apple]
(if: $has_axe is true and $has_apple is false)
[Chop down apple]<get_apple|]
(if: $has_axe is true and $has_apple is true)
Wasn't too nice of you to chop down that apple
(click: ?get_apple)[
You chopped down that pomme! How'd u like them apples?
(set: $has_apple to true)
[[Living Room]] (if: $has_extinguisher is false)
[There's an extinguisher on the wall with a screaming doctor next to it]
(else:)[There is a hole in the wall where the doctor ran out]
(if: $has_apple is true and $has_extinguisher is false)
[Give apple]<get_extinguisher|
(click: ?get_extinguisher)[
You show the apple to the doctor and he freaks out, running. You pick up the extinguisher
(set: $has_extinguisher to true)
[[Living Room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.